Drastic changes to the regulatory regime for fire
safety took effect from
1st October 2006. Following a lengthy review of the simply staggering volume of
legislation in this area, over 100 separate pieces of legislation
that applied prior to the review
have been amended, repealed or revoked.
The end result of all of this is
that now by far the vast majority of fire safety legislation is only contained in:
Whether for England & Wales, or for Scotland, the
requirements in this legislation are very similar (in fact, often
word-for-word identical) in their fire-safety requirements and in
particular in their requirements

the need for risk assessments;
the provision & maintenance of firefighting equipment;
employee training &
information provision;
means of escape & emergency lighting;
safety signage; and
provision & maintenance of fire alarm systems.
All of the new legislation also tightens up considerably on
responsibility, accountability and the need for competence. The
law’s teeth in both cases come in the form of new offences with
penalties extending all the way to 2 years in prison and an
unlimited fine!
Follow the links above to read more about the legislation that
effects you. Alternatively, should you wish for any further information under this subject, please feel free to
contact us.
Copies of most legislation is available from the
Government’s Official UK legislation site.